Priscila RN

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Why I chose...

We all have a reason as to why we choose something, be it the advice of another, intuition, appeal or just plain forced into it. 

Why I chose Herbalife...or it chose me? I was given the products way back in 2009 when I was suffering from the Freshman 15 and a newly diagnosed IBS (Irritable Bowel Syndrome) by my then boyfriend’s mother. She had lost 50lbs from it and all her stomach issues went away, so he thought it would work for me too. I started with fiber and tea and basically a detox package. It tasted delicious and it definitely eased a lot of my complaints. I lost just shy of 20lbs from about 2 months of using the products. I then tried the shakes...I absolutely hated them!

Fast forward to 2013 I moved back home worked at a restaurant and gained a ton of weight. Nothing else I was doing seemed to make the scale budge so I figured let me try that herbalife stuff again, except this time I had no way of buying it as it purchased directly through someone and I didn’t know anyone else who used the products. Thank you Instagram, a quick # search and I found this awesome couple who had amazing results on the products and answered me right away so I could order immediately. I once again lost the needed LBS and was no longer suffering from reflux or IBS symptoms, but this time I bought and drank the shakes and they tasted way better than I had initially remembered

Since 2013 I had used the products on and off and always recommended them to anyone who mentioned wanting to lose a few pounds and do something quick. The products have ALWAYS worked when I needed them to, I unfortunately always struggled with consistency and once I reached my goal I would revert back to old  habits, basically treating my Herbalife products like a safety net to fall back on.

It has always worked for me because for one it is just simple, other protein shakes need you to add other things to them for it to be a “whole” meal, or they taste like butt water (whatever that tastes like), or they were ridiculously expensive. So they were easy to make, had a bunch of flavors I actually enjoy, some flavors should just disappear and I silently judge you if you tell me you like them *cough cough* Pina Colada. It is sustainable it is not a crazy drastic change that you can’t maintain, no OCD calorie counting and charting no wild diets eliminating whole food groups.  It keeps me in a caloric deficit and as long as I maintain a well rounded diet with portion control it works...oh and some workouts help too, go figure.

Herbalife didn’t only give me yummy shakes it gave me a network and a community of people who love this ish as much as I do and I go to and from it through the years and it has never let me down, shunned me away or changed. People will always have something negative to say about anything you choose to do or push another company on you when you say your happy with these particular products..and guess what that’s OKAY it isn’t a competition (well, maybe it is a little bit), what matters is does it work for you and  are you happy with it. I say yes to all the above and I have repeatedly gotten awesome results from it.

Check out some of my previous transformations yes there have been more than one, because well I’m not perfect, but I keep trying.